Thursday, December 18, 2008

We try to take advantage of any small rise in temperature and go for a little walk. On Sunday, we ventured out to Daley Plaza and one of the holiday markets. We showed Maeve the big Christmas tree. She also got to see the many dirty pigeons who flock to the area.

As you can see, Maeve and Charlie continue to grow closer and we believe that she has sworn allegiance to him. Smart girl. One should always have a black cat on your team. A side note-- yes, sometimes I do remove my eye patch for "glamour" shots such as this one. I can't see at all, but it's worth it (my cranial nerve #6- injured in the epidural accidental spine puncture- continues to malfunction). Because it's glamorous to be in your Hello Kitty pajama pants at 3 in the afternoon. And to not have brushed your hair yet that day. Oh, the glamour.

1 comment:

Susan Johnson said...

Hi sara,
queen maeve is beautiful!!!! Clearly she not receiving enough attention.(haha) You need to take her back to NJ asap so she will be lavished with the proper attention a newborn needs!
LOVE your blog!