Thursday, December 18, 2008

We try to take advantage of any small rise in temperature and go for a little walk. On Sunday, we ventured out to Daley Plaza and one of the holiday markets. We showed Maeve the big Christmas tree. She also got to see the many dirty pigeons who flock to the area.

As you can see, Maeve and Charlie continue to grow closer and we believe that she has sworn allegiance to him. Smart girl. One should always have a black cat on your team. A side note-- yes, sometimes I do remove my eye patch for "glamour" shots such as this one. I can't see at all, but it's worth it (my cranial nerve #6- injured in the epidural accidental spine puncture- continues to malfunction). Because it's glamorous to be in your Hello Kitty pajama pants at 3 in the afternoon. And to not have brushed your hair yet that day. Oh, the glamour.

Ch-Ch-Chubby Cheeks

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for a little 5 week check-in. Maeve now weighs 9 pounds, 13 ounces. Even the nurse commented on her chubby cheeks. She's now in the 75th percentile, up from the 25th percentile a few weeks ago. Overall, the doctor said she's doing great-- and the MD even answered some of the questions I had (see attached pic for an example of my restraint). What I didn't ask about is Maeve's propensity for displaying her hands-- they will not stay tucked under a blanket, or in a wrap, and when they do bust loose, there are some dramatic displays of those jazz hands. Maybe she'll be a pianist?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We've had a few visitors recently. My friends and co-workers from UIC stopped by-- Erin and Julie-- and Maeve met her Great Grandmother, Non. Everyone thinks Maeve is a "perfect angel" since she sleeps during most visits. It's too bad no one feels like stopping by around 11:30PM when there is some poltergeist activity on the part of Ms. Maeve :) Any takers?

Daddy & Mommy

Here are a couple of quick shots I took a while ago-- one with Mike, late-night...and one with me. Yes, that is me in the eye patch. Seems I'll have it with me for a while-- I have bad double-vision as a result of an epidural puncture in my spine. This is an extremely rare complication, I'm told by all of the doctors, which is special, I suppose. So, until it resolves, I'll be sporting a pirate eye patch. If only they made Hello Kitty ones...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Although only 2 weeks old, Maeve had a great Thanskgiving. She enjoyed visits from her Aunt Annie, Duckie (Mike's mom) and Bookie (Mike's Dad) (note: Mike's parents choose their names :)) After family left, we all hung out in pjs eating turkey.

New friends, new everything

Here's a pic of Maeve with one of her new friends, Charlie. Toby is feeling camera-shy, so no picture of him with Maeve. She loves her swing (thanks Uncle Gary and Todd!) and her stroller, too. She does not like the sound of the "L" and scrunches her face up when she hears it.

Grandparent Mania

Maeve spent 6 days in the NICU, catching up on some things-- she had low glucose, low body temp and a few other issues. My mom, Dad and Jim flew in the day after Maeve was born for some baby time. Of course, Mike's parents, Mary Ann and Jack, came for visits and Maeve's Aunt Annie came to town, too.

Friday, November 28, 2008

11.13.08 Welcome Maeve Connell Gaynor!

I went to the doctor Nov. 12th and they told me I was being induced. I tried to get out of it and asked for another couple of days, to which I was told no by various medical staff. So, after a short and easy labor (!!), Maeve arrived on November 13th at 11:20AM. She was 7lbs., 3 oz. and 20 inches long. When I saw her, I couldn't believe she was ours and finally here.


My friend Jeni came to visit us the weekend of November 7th. Even though my due date was December 2, Jeni said she thought I would have the baby early. She said I just looked like I would. I didn't really believe her.